in Średnia Wieś

The Public Gimnazjum in Średnia Wieś - was opened on September 1st, 1999, after the introduction educations’s reform. It has been founded on the primary school basis. There attend students from nearby localities: Bachlawa, Berezka, Bereżnica Wyżna, Hoczew, Nowosiółki, Średnia Wieś, Wola Matiaszowa.

budynek szkoły - 12 kB sala gimnastyczna - 10 kB
budynek szkoły
sala gimnastyczna
parter szkoły - 10 kB siłownia - 10 kB
parter szkoły

The school possesses, as on rural possibilities, very good teaching conditions. The students have got six roomy, well equipped classrooms and a computer room with an access to the Internet. They enjoy a library, gym , school fitnes room and sport playgrounds.

© 2000     Publiczne Gimnazjum w Średniej Wsi 38 - 604 Hoczew
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