church in Hoczew –
parochial Saint Anna’s church was mentioned in
1424.It was probably a small church, but in 1510
Nicolas Bal, a writer and a landlord from Sanok, built
a bigger, wooden church. In 1562 it was changed onto
the Protestant church. It was not Catholic until 1629.
Then a stone church was erected in the second half of
the XVIII century and consecreted in 1745. In 1845 a
roof burnt and the next damages had place during the
first world war. It was refited in 1920 and in 1955.
It has got a one nave in a baroque style. Near the
church in a fencing wall there are four chapels (the
Bals’ and the Rylskies’chapel).Under the
church there is a crypt in which there were buried the
priests and the owners of Hoczew. In the treasury
above presbytery there are mustered the old ornats,
books, ensigns and another slight exhibits. During the
floor refit there was also dug out the Matiash
Ball’s plate, who died in 1576. The plate is in
the church on a wall now. |