is one of the oldest settlement in the region. It is
situated at the foot of the Grodzisko hill. The first
known document with the name of a village comes from
1400 (it was a demarcation act between imperial and
Terpiczów forests). The village was called „Oczew”
and its owner was Rusin Jaczko. In 1427 Matiasz from
Zboiska gave the beginnig of the Bals brood. In 1510
the Bals built here a wooden church. After, the new
owners, the Fredros, gave the village a new name
– Hoczew and built a manor. Jacek Fredro was
born in Hoczew. In 1744 the Fredros and neighbouring
gentry built a stone church, which exists today. From
this period there comes also a stone beltry and
vicarage. After the Fredros the Krasiccy came over. In
1945, during the fights with UPA (Ukrainian
Insurrectional Army), the Fredros’ court, in
which was also the police post, was completely burned.
An old tavern (on the crossroods next to the old
hungarian overpass) still exists in Hoczew. In Hoczew
you can also visit the museum and the gallery founded
by a famous painter and sculptor – Zdzisław Pękalski.
There is also a primary school, a kindergarten, a
public library and a post office.
See too:
Berezka, Karczma
w Hoczwi, Kościół
w Hoczwi, Średnia